"Denny Staschitz represents the union of finest works of modern, ancient and medieval art."

modern art

Walter Baldessarini

Walter Baldessarini (November 5, 1936 – December 12, 2022) was an Italian Expressionist painter. Denny Staschitz oversees and preserves Baldessarini's entire artistic work, with a primary focus on the internationalization of the artist. Additionally, Denny manages the sales of the works, organizes exhibitions in collaboration with national and international galleries, and supports the promotion of publications.


modern, ancient & medieval art

Denny Staschitz advises his clients in the fields of modern, ancient, and medieval art, assisting them in building or expanding their collections, as well as in the attribution of individual objects. Scientific research, analysis, and well-founded arguments form the foundation of every successful attribution. His expertise and experience are evident in his private collection, where he passionately brings together works from modern, ancient, and medieval art.